Data Recovery

Is your computer not powering on? Even if your computer is dead your precious pictures and data can still be recovered! Here at LCS we specialize in data recovery. Our team of experts can recover data from virtually any failed hard drive. We have an 80% success rate and charge a flat rate for our services.

Call us today to get your pictures back

If for some reason our local team cannot recover your data we have partnered with the data recovery experts at Gillware. Gillware is an industry leader in data recover. Working through LCS you’ll receive special pricing, and the experts at Gillware will take over the recovery. Here are some of the benefits of working with LCS and Gillware:

  • Gillware lab recovers data from over 15,000 devices per year
  • There are NO up front fees
  • 90% plus recovery rate

Lambros Computer Solutions uses Gillware – one of the best professional data recovery labs in the industry. No matter the situation, Lambros Computer Solutions uses can meet your needs, whether those are IT data recovery, enterprise data recovery, or personal data recovery needs. Lambros Computer Solution’s data recovery process makes us one of the best IT companies in Southwest Florida.