How do I hide my desktop icons?

Simple. For whatever reason you may want to hide the icons on your desktop. Perhaps its cluttered and you need to give a presentation. It is very simple and this procedure applies to Windows XP, 7 and 8.

  1. Step 1, minimize everything so you can see the Windows desktop.
  2. Next, right-click on a blank area of the desktop. Do not right click on or near any icon.
  3. Navigate the menu to View > Show desktop icons.
  4. Un-check to hide icon, Check to show them.










Easy right?! Stay tuned for more tips.


About Lambros Computer Solutions

Lambros Computer Solution is a full service computer solution provider, headquartered in Fort Myers, FL, specializing in small business and home users. Our services offered include Fort Myers computer repair, PC repair, laptop repair, laptop screen replacements, data recovery, starter websites, website design, website hosting, hosted exchange, wireless setup, servers and networking. Lambros Computer Solutions operates with integrity, honesty, and a passion for helping people. For computer help, call 239-303-4343.