Technical ArticlesUncategorizedWindows XP

What does Windows XP end of life mean?

By March 21, 2014 No Comments

What does Windows XP end of life mean to you?

End of support means no more automatic fixes, patches, updates or technical assistance from Microsoft. What this means to you is that any new security holes found will not be patched – ever. It means in a year your Windows XP machine will be like an abandoned house. Thieves will have broken into it, gang spray painting will be on the walls, and squatters living in it – sounds extreme? Its not. Microsoft is diligent about keeping their operating systems secure. The Windows operating system is the cornerstone of most business computers and Microsoft works very hard releasing weekly and emergency patches to keep their systems updated and secure.

What does Windows XP end-of-life mean to you

If you’re computer is less then 3 years old then most likely it is worth upgrading to Windows 7. If it is older then 3 years then your money is best spent on a replacement computer.

If you replace your computer then you’ll most likely get Windows 8. Windows 7 is better and easier but Windows 8 is doable with one add-on called Start8 which gives back the traditional Start Menu we all know and love. Start8 costs $4.99 and is a God-send for those of us that don’t want to learn something new and just want to work efficiently.

I don’t have the money for a new computer. How much to upgrade to Windows 7?

First thing to know about upgrading from Windows XP to Windows 7 is that it MUST be a clean install no matter what the box says. Windows XP cannot be “upgraded” to Windows 7, it must be replaced with Windows 7, your data moved and programs re-installed. Here is a link if you want to check the prices on check for Windows 7 prices. Just know the process is more complicated then inserting a disc and clicking “Install”. If you do that you’ll lose all your data, pictures, documents and you computer will not be functional when the install is done.

Want help upgrading from Windows XP to Windows 7? We can upgrade your computer for $175 plus the Windows 7 license. Call us and we’ll answer your questions. (239) 303-4343.

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Want help upgrading or replacing your computers? Call us for a free consultation and estimate (239) 303-4343 or contact us from our webform.

About Lambros Computer Solutions
Lambros Computer Solution is a full service computer solution provider, headquartered in Lehigh Acres, FL, specializing in small business and home users. Their services offered include Fort Myers computer repair, PC repair, laptop repair, laptop screen replacements, data recovery, starter websites, website design, website hosting, hosted exchange, wireless setup, servers and networking. Lambros Computer Solutions operates with integrity, fairness, and a passion for helping people. For more information, call 239-303-4343.


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